Emanuele Aliverti
Associate Professor of Statistics @ University of Padova

research interests
The focus of my research is on developing and applying novel statistical methods, motivated by challenging problems in health and social sciences. Broadly speaking, I am interested in flexible Bayesian methodologies and scalable algorithms to perform inference on models for complex data, balancing accuracy with scalability and interpretability.
My resumee is available here. An extended curriculum, in Italian, is available here.
short bio
I hold a Ph.D. in Statistics from the University of Padova (2020), supervised by Bruno Scarpa and David Dunson. During the Ph.D, I was a Visiting Scholar in the Department of Statistical Sciences at Duke University (2017-18).
I have been working as an Assistant Professor at the University of Padova (2022-24) and at the University Ca’ Foscari of Venezia (2020-22).
01/01 | My stat Department organizes a seminar series. Seminars are generally delivered on Thursday at 14.30, and are open to the public. Come and attend if you’re interested! |