Emanuele Aliverti

Assistant Professor of Statistics [rtd-B] @ University of Padova

Office 166   [][]

Department of Statistics

University of Padova


The focus of my research is on developing and applying novel statistical methods, motivated by challenging problems in health and social sciences.
I am interested in flexible Bayesian methodologies and scalable algorithms to perform inference on models for complex data, such as high-dimensional structures, networks and tensors, balancing accuracy with interpretability.

My resumee is available here. An extended curriculum, in Italian, is available here.

bio & past positions

I hold a Ph.D. in Statistics from the University of Padova (2020), supervised by Bruno Scarpa and David Dunson. During the Ph.D, I was a Visiting Scholar in the Department of Statistical Sciences at Duke University (2017-18).
After the Ph.D., I have been a post-doc at the University of Padova (2020) and an Assistant Professor in Statistics at the University Ca’ Foscari Venezia (2020-2022).


03/09 I will give a talk on dynamic network models at the RSS international conference in Brighton on Sep 5th. Come to say hi if you’re around! A big thanks to j-ISBA for the organization!
06/06 I have created a web app that fecthes RSS feeds from ArXiv, cleans them and deploys the result via github actions every day at 9AM. The app is available here. In the future I might add some additional features such as abstract summarization (as done here)
01/01 My stat Department organizes a seminar series. Seminars are generally delivered on Thursday at 14.30, and are open to the public. Come and attend if you’re interested!